The families of Dasha Porvad Vanik community migrated from Rajsthan were settled as traders mostly in the region of North Gujarat. A century ago the difficulty related to matrimonial matters was realized by our ancestors, but with their vision, managerial abilities and quality of leadership they decided to resolve this problem.
Under the leadership of Jotana Panch, the details of families of twenty seven nativeplaces around Ahmdabad were collected and a first meeting was convened at Modipur a ‘Gol?named Sattavis Dasha Porvad was formed on Fagan Sud 5 of Samvat 1919.
The Panch passed the resolution that a marriage of a girl must not be arranged out side this Gol. In the second meeting it was divided into two districts of Jotana and Umvarsad with an Executive Committee comprising of eighteen members. Initially, cooperation of the participants achieved the objective.
Afterwards, the orientation of people had changed, instead of encouraging the developmental activities it was diverted to dominate over the other group resulting into divisions, namely Panch and Committee. However, this too was, resolved by assembling at Bhoyani. Over a period, to cater the needs of people, our Sattavis Dasha Porvad has prospered marvelously by the contribution of the office bearers carrying out the developmental activities from time to time.